Didactic Educational Equipment

Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer

Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-24

Description: Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer - Bridge trainer is a useful training product for measuring very small values of inductance. It is useful for students to understand the concept and operation of A.C. Bridges. Maxwell`s bridge can be used to determine value of unknown inductance by comparison with either variable standard self inductance or standard variable capacitance. By setting the null point we can evaluate the unknown inductance value. This product has an on board null detection circuit with differential amplifier, audio amplifier and speaker. A 1 KHz sine wave generator is provided with amplitude variation facility Illustration of both Maxwell`s inductance bridge and Maxwell`s inductance-capacitance bridge on a single board Inbuilt 1 KHz sine wave generator with variable amplitude Null detector with audio amplifier and speaker e-Manual

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